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Jay Cameron: Cultural Exploration in Africa | Entrepreneur, Speaker, Documentary Filmmaker, & Author
Jay Cameron: Cultural Exploration in Africa | Entrepreneur, Speaker, Documentary Filmmaker, & Author


The Debt Free College Degree Masterclass walks you step-by-step through the process of financing a college education, debt free.

Jay Cameron: Cultural Exploration in Africa | Entrepreneur, Speaker, Documentary Filmmaker, & Author


The Debt Free College Degree Masterclass walks you step-by-step through the process of financing a college education, debt free. This seminar will give you the tools for long-term educational and financial success. The information shared in this seminar can save families 60% to 70% off of the “sticker price” of college.


  1. It’s Much Deeper Than A Budget – Get To The Root Of The Problem

  2. The Financial Flush – Removing The Junk From Your Financial Life

  3. A Junk-Free Financial Diet – Establishing Your New Plan

  4. The Journey – What To Expect After You Establish Your Plan

  5. Catastrophic Cravings  – How To Avoid Caving To Money Temptations

  6. Financial Fatigue – What To Do When Life Drags You Down

  7. The Credit Cleanse – Restore Your Own Credit

  8. Achieving Financial Fitness – Celebrate Your Success

  9. Pay It Forward – Leaving A Multi-Generational Legacy

Jay Cameron: Cultural Exploration in Africa | Entrepreneur, Speaker, Documentary Filmmaker, & Author

Financial Detox – Predatory Lenders from Maximum Impact Resources on Vimeo.​


Why do so many people struggle with managing their finances? Is it a lack of money or financial education? Or is it something that has nothing to do with money? The answers to these questions are complex. That is why Jay Cameron developed The Financial Detox. Over the course of six weeks, you will be given to the tools to lay a new financial foundation or build further on a strong foundation.


Everyone is told to BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET or SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. While these are crucial elements of any successful financial plan, the steps that should precede budgeting and savings are often overlooked. The Financial Detox will walk you step-by-step through a money diagnosis. If you are ready to get to the root of the problem and transform your finances, this six-week class is for you.

Jay Cameron: Cultural Exploration in Africa | Entrepreneur, Speaker, Documentary Filmmaker, & Author


Adults and teens are strongly encouraged to attend these classes. To many, the topic of money management is thought to be an “adult” topic. Parents will usually attend financial classes and seminars without their teen or young adult.  The reality is that our financial philosophies are developed at a very young age. Since most school systems neglect to teach financial literacy classes, The Financial Detox can be very beneficial for teens and young adults.

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